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Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Chrome as default
« Last post by Webmaster on April 06, 2012, 07:10:00 pm »
Quote from: "phredp"
Plugged in Owner as username.  That's what it shows in System Information

Use those directions to check user name: ... -check.htm
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Chrome as default
« Last post by phredp on April 06, 2012, 06:20:02 pm »
Plugged in Owner as username.  That's what it shows in System Information
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Chrome as default
« Last post by Webmaster on April 06, 2012, 09:45:09 am »
Quote from: "phredp"
Okay, I followed the instructions and it added the chrome.reg to my registry.

Are you sure you've used correct Windows user name ?
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Chrome as default
« Last post by phredp on April 06, 2012, 06:55:43 am »
Okay, I followed the instructions and it added the chrome.reg to my registry.  I opened Options in SL and chose Chrome 1.  I get a message to select another web browser or install Google Chrome 1.  I opened Chrome and went to "About Google Chrome" and it says Google Chrome is up to date (18.0.1025.151). Anything else I can do? :roll:
Sweepstakes List Enhancement Requests / Re: Text Message SL
« Last post by Webmaster on April 02, 2012, 08:09:44 am »
I was looking into mobile (Android and Apple) world, but was not convinced. Main thing: there is really little chance that somebody would fill out sweepstakes using smartphone or even tablet. Just because they?re TOO small and missing real keyboards and mice. So, most possibly, SL would stay on Windows platform.

And my opinion concerning SMS sweeps. Long time I?ve tried to stay away from them. Just because mobile providers were charging ?per SMS? rates, defying an idea of ?free for entry?. However, recently some providers introduced plans with unlimited SMS included, so now those SMS sweeps become more appealing. However, I still don?t want to move into mobile world programming. I?m thinking about some kind of Android emulator that would send SMS messages from Windows environment. Not sure, if it could be accomplished, but it worth trying?

For now, I can recommend Schedule Sms Wishes utility for Android that I?ve found:
It?s doing everything you need from SMS messaging, except handling of end dates.
Sweepstakes List Enhancement Requests / Text Message SL
« Last post by sdadolf on April 01, 2012, 09:31:27 am »
Not an enhancement for SL, but....have you any interest in expanding your offerings to the Android smartphone world?

Many sweepers like me are now entering 20-30 text message sweepstakes daily.  There are a number of reasonably good text message apps out there, but nooe of them is optimized for sweepstakers.  They are just apps for normal text messaging that sweepers are using.

I could see a smartphone app that would have a screen designed to look almost like SL, but for text message sweeps.  One column of the form would have the SMS address, the next the code word to be sent, another the end date, and maybe a notes field.  The user could send a text message by selecting a specific text message sweep and clicking send.  The user would be notified when the end date is reached.  That is one of the major features not available in existing text message sweeps....the ability to know when a text message sweep ends.  If room available, also could have a column or symbol indicating if the sweep is daily, weekly, unlimited, etc.

The above might be the entry level program.

A super upgrade of the program  would include the following additional feature (maybe charge money for the following added feature).

The ability to set up automatic text messaging of sweeps on the list...the user could set a time of day and when that time was reached each day the designated text message would automatically be sent without any user effort.

Some of us have already won some nice prizes via ext message sweeps.  I see more and more text message sweeps becoming available...and more and more users entering them.
Sweepstakes List Enhancement Requests / Re: Reminder
« Last post by Webmaster on March 17, 2012, 06:52:03 pm »
I'm planning to have Start Date field (and even Custom Shedule feature), but not in next release...

There is a workaround that you can use in curent SL... Say, today you have a single entry sweeps that starts on 4/10/12 and ands on 5/15/12. To set the "reminder" you select "monthly" for frequency, 5/15/12 as Expiration Date and 4/1/12 as Date Entered. So, on 1st of May you'd get this sweeps shown as "due for entry".

It is not the best solution, but it works.
Sweepstakes List Enhancement Requests / Reminder
« Last post by sdadolf on March 16, 2012, 07:49:23 am »
Once a week or so I come across a news article regarding a sweepstakes that says the promotion starts at some future date...maybe a week later, or on a specific day a week or so later.  Right now I send an email to myself and put something in the subject to remind me to go to that web page or site on a specific date.  Too often I forget to go visit the web page on the specific date and miss something I was supposed to do.

It would be great if SL had an option for this.

I could put the web page in the usual SL field, put in a subject and maybe a comment, and then put in a specific date that when wanted to be reminded.  I guess it would be like entering a one-time only sweep, but with a future date.  When I hit save I would NOT want it to be considered entered, because the date would not have occurred yet.

As I write this it occurs to me that maybe this is already (partially) implemented in SL?  If I enter a sweeps into SL, and select its frequency as once, and put a future expiration date...all I would need is to be able to not have it show as entered when I hit save.  Will it then show up as available to "enter" on the expiration date?
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Chrome as default
« Last post by Webmaster on March 03, 2012, 05:04:00 pm »
I'll post instructions here. Just note:
It is not warranted to work, use it at your own risk !

1.   You may create System Restore Point first (not necessary, but to be on safe side).
2a.   For Vista/7: save to desktop chrome7.txt file from http://
2b.   For XP: save to desktop chromexp.txt file from http://
3.   Open text file with Notepad. There is place in text file marked with XXXXXX. Replace XXXXXX with your Windows user name.
4.   Save and close text file.
5.   Rename file to chrome.reg .
6.   Run chrome.reg by double-clicking on it.
7.   Answer Yes to Windows question (you might need to answer Yes to UAC question also).

Now when you select ?Google Chrome 1? in Sweepstakes List browser options, it would call latest version of Chrome.
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Chrome as default
« Last post by tjbinno on March 01, 2012, 06:34:12 pm »
I've gone thru multiple Chrome uninstalls and reinstalls.

I've searched my mailboxes and can't seem to locate your email with the temp fix to have sweepstakeslist use my current chrome version.  The sweepstakeslist pull down option still doesn't connect.

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