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Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Leap Year
« Last post by Webmaster on February 05, 2012, 09:41:50 am »
Try to select "Prefill Expiry Date with Today's Date" option - it might solve this issue.
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Leap Year
« Last post by sdadolf on February 05, 2012, 07:06:19 am »
For me, whenever I start typing in a date, the field is always prefilled with all zeroes. 00/00/0000
Sweepstakes List Enhancement Requests / Re: Deleting multiple expired entrie
« Last post by Webmaster on February 04, 2012, 09:48:15 am »
In current version there no way to delete SOME sweeps - you either delete all or delete one at time.

There is possibility to have some custom logic for deletion (like "delete all daily sweeps that expired more than 90 days from today") in one of future versions, but it's low priority change.
Sweepstakes List Questions / Answers / Re: sweeps gone
« Last post by Webmaster on February 04, 2012, 09:41:33 am »
There is no limit in number of sweeps in list - my own list has about 16,000 sweeps.

Are you sure you didn't make some mistake, like selecting "Once" instead of "Daily" or typing "01/31/2004" instead of "01/31/2014" ?

If you want me to do comprehensive research on this issue, you may e-mail me your SweepstakesList.mdb file and actual sweepstakes links.
Sweepstakes List Enhancement Requests / Deleting multiple expired entrie
« Last post by phredp on February 04, 2012, 06:46:51 am »
Sometimes I may not want to delete all expired sweeps.  Is there any way to delete multiple expired entries instead of one at a time?
Sweepstakes List Questions / Answers / sweeps gone
« Last post by phredp on February 04, 2012, 06:40:47 am »
Is there a limit in the number of sweeps you can put in your list?  I added about 10 yesterday that expire on Jan 31, 2014. They, along with some others are now gone this morning.  I chose all in filters and they still don't show up.
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Leap Year
« Last post by Webmaster on February 03, 2012, 09:25:24 pm »
Let me mention one thing. Data fields constantly check themselves for validity.

Say, you want to type "02292012". If you have data field prefilled with "11/31/2012", when you'd start typing "02292012" it would stop on first "0" and make chime. Because if you type "02", date would become "02/31/2012", which is invalid.
Another example. If you have data field prefilled with "02/28/2011", when you'd start typing "02292012" it would stop on "022" and make chime. Because if you type "0229", date would become "02/29/2011", which is also invalid.

It's important to check what WAS in this date field before you started typing.
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Leap Year
« Last post by sdadolf on February 03, 2012, 04:13:15 pm »
I've never been able to enter 02 29 2012......when I try to type the 9 it won't type...just stops.  So, for the past months for sweeps that ende at the end of February  I've been entering 02 28 2012.

I just tried ot again today just to be sure.
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Leap Year
« Last post by Webmaster on February 01, 2012, 10:23:25 am »
Quote from: "tjbinno"
I also couldn't enter 02 29 2012...refused...will try alternative method

Did you try it yesterday (1/31) or today (2/1) ? If it was yesterday, could you try it again today ?
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: Leap Year
« Last post by tjbinno on January 31, 2012, 07:14:14 pm »
I also couldn't enter 02 29 2012...refused...will try alternative method
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