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General Sweepstakes List Forum / Re: Sweepstakes List how hard to learn?
« Last post by Webmaster on August 29, 2015, 06:05:50 am »
I don't think Sweepstakes List is hard to learn - it has tutorials and extensive Help features. You welcome to ask any questions here, on forum.

Also, you don't have to buy Sweepstakes List upfront - after you'd install it, you would have 30 days allowance of "try before buy".
General Sweepstakes List Forum / Sweepstakes List how hard to learn?
« Last post by jalapenomama on August 28, 2015, 06:49:22 pm »
I'm thinking about getting this software.
I had looked at it and felt that it would be difficult to learn to use.
Appreciate any feedback on this.
Some SL users reported following critical error: SL shows error message "Database Driver Error #2007 - DataBase file not found" and stops. This error believed to be related to one of Windows security updates.

Following steps would help solve an issue:
1. Find where is your actual current SweepstakesList.db file located. Use following flowchart for guidance:
If your SweepstakesList.db file is NOT located in Virtual store then skip to #3.

2. If your SweepstakesList.db file IS located in Virtual store then copy it from VirtualStore into C:\Program Files (x86)\Sweepstakes List (or into C:\Program Files\Sweepstakes List on old 32-bit computers).

3. Go to Sweepstakes List shortcut properties and select option "Run as Administrator":

Now SL should run fine.
Sweepstakes List News and Announcements / New forum design
« Last post by Webmaster on February 18, 2014, 01:52:54 pm »
Sweepstakes List forum was migrated to Simple Machines design. I hope new design will work best for Sweepstakes List users.

All existing topics and all active user registration were successfully migrated. Contact me if you have any questions or experience any problems.
Sweepstakes List Questions / Answers / Re: Runs but not showing
« Last post by tjbinno on June 16, 2013, 05:18:21 pm »
Found it:

Set run maximized under properties

(Finally remembered from last time)
Sweepstakes List Questions / Answers / Runs but not showing
« Last post by tjbinno on June 16, 2013, 04:11:25 pm »
I've had problem before but can't find resolution in my emails or here.

After some PC cleanup and reinstall, I have sweepstakeslist icon.  When clicked it runs (shows by hovering in the Win 7 task bar I can see the normal list pop up above the task bar) but I don't have the program on the desktop.  I seem to remember something I have to set under the .exe properties but don't remember what it is.
Sweepstakes List Questions / Answers / Re: Hacker Activity Detected
« Last post by Webmaster on May 31, 2013, 07:24:31 am »
Looks like you've downloaded old version of Sweeepstakes List and installed it over existing MDB file.
Sweepstakes List Questions / Answers / Hacker Activity Detected
« Last post by phredp on May 30, 2013, 04:24:25 pm »
After finally getting Sweepstakelist up and running, I put my current mdb file back in the SL folder (deep down in Appdata).  Anyway, all my sweeps show up after a warning window stating Hacker Activity Detected. Code 1.  Read only now with lots of the buttons (like enter and entered and add) so it's basically useless at this point.  Any ideas? :?
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / Re: error reinstalling Sweepstakeslist
« Last post by Webmaster on May 30, 2013, 09:27:34 am »
What kind of error messages ?

[You may uninstall Sweepstakes List before reinstalling it, but it is not necessary]
Sweepstakes List Bug Reports / error reinstalling Sweepstakeslist
« Last post by phredp on May 29, 2013, 09:29:40 pm »
Been having trouble opening SL so backed up data file and tried reinstalling.  Keeps getting error messages.  Do I need to uninstall the old version?
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