« Last post by Webmaster on February 08, 2012, 12:29:14 pm »
For the last three months sales of Sweepstakes List program (?SL?) have gradually increased. I want to say Thanks to everybody who bought SL and even bigger THANKS to people who recommended program to other sweepstakes aficionados. I hope every SL user is happy with program and doesn't regret the decision to buy it.
I just want to share some of my ideas on future Sweepstakes List development.
In near future (one-two months) new version of SL (1.06) would be released. If would include minor bug fixes, support for variety of web browsers (including new versions of Google Chrome), basic statistics, updated filtering, etc. It MIGHT have real 24-Hour sweepstakes type implemented, but it is unclear yet. Unfortunately, it would not include any kind of fixes that require changes to DB structure (color schemes, longer fields, etc.)
Sometime after release of SL 1.06 I?d start working on completely redesigned version of SL (it could be version 1.5 or 2.0). It should include lots of new features, some of them would be customizable color schemes, RoboForm integration, backup and restore functionality, ability to transfer sweepstakes data between two computers, reporting and external tools support. Also, Cloud add-on (sold separately from SL) would be created to give users ability to save sweepstakes data into Internet storage and access them from any computer. I estimate that new version of SL would take about six months of development and beta-testing. Also, price for new version would increase, compared to current price.
Now here are the legal words ?text above is for informational purposes only and can be changed/delayed/withdrawn without notice?.
One thing that I can promise: current registered users would be always eligible to get update for latest version of SL for FREE.
Alex Rubin.